Spera is an ongoing fantasy comic detailing the adventures of two princesses – Pira and Lono – and a fire spirit in the form of a dog named Yonder. Fleeing their homelands after a cataclysmic event, the trio turn their escapist fantasies into a stranger reality, venturing into a land of which they had only ever heard the tallest tales.
Written, created and edited by Josh Tierney, Spera is a collaboration between artists from around the world, illustrated and told in consecutive sections that incorporate character designs by Afu Chan and Sarah Ferrick. These sections form a tapestry of artistic styles and storytelling methods, turning the world of Spera into a poetic, surprising and wholly unique realm.
Spera: Volume I will be released by Archaia as a hardcover retelling of the story this fall. You can learn more about the book by clicking here and pre-order it from online retailers such as Amazon.com.
Josh Tierney
Writer, Editor and Creator
Dedicating his time and effort to the memory of Rob Williams
Website: www.joshtierney.com
Email: josh.will.tierney@gmail.com
Afu Chan
Central Character Designer and Illustrator
Website: aznmextofu.deviantart.com
Email: mexazntofu@yahoo.com
Sarah Ferrick
Character Designer and Illustrator
Website: esseff.aestival.net
Email: spferrick@gmail.com
Joel Hentges
Logo and Site Designer
Website: www.joelhentges.com
Email: cityache@gmail.com
Marisa Williams
Website: www.marisawilliams.ca
Email: marisa@marisawilliams.ca
Part 1 contributors:
Sarah Ferrick
Website: esseff.aestival.net
Email: spferrick@gmail.com
Ray Jones
Websites: jonesray.com, liedto.deviantart.com
Email: ray@jonesray.com
Matt Houston
Website: neverrider.deviantart.com
Email: doctorbutters@gmail.com
Joanna Krótka
Website: asiulus.deviantart.com
Email: asiulus@op.pl
Afu Chan
Website: aznmextofu.deviantart.com
Email: mexazntofu@yahoo.com
Sourya Sihachakr
Website: sourya.deviantart.com
Email: to_sourya@hotmail.com
Angie Hoffmeister
Websites: www.yellowghost.net, iphigen.deviantart.com
Email: Mme.Peeping@web.de
Timothy Weaver
Websites: www.dafttimo.com, thetimo.deviantart.com
Email: 11blue@gmail.com
Bettina M. George
Website: ptlaulau.com
Email: ptlaulau@ptlaulau.com
Part 2 contributors:
Mikkel Sommer
Websites: mikkelsommer.blogspot.com, mikkelsommer.deviantart.com
Email: miggelsommer@gmail.com
Websites: muura.org, muura.deviantart.com
Email: muura@muura.org
Sam Beck
Website: solardiente.deviantart.com
Kristin Mukai
Websites: www.yourquietneighbors.com, hellokbear.deviantart.com
Email: kr.mukai@gmail.com
Luke Pearson
Websites: thatlukeperson.blogspot.com, mumblingidiot.deviantart.com
Email: lukke@hotmail.co.uk
Eva Vercauteren
Website: eva-ve.deviantart.com
Stephanie Holmes
Website: stephholmes.deviantart.com
Website: drrecords.deviantart.com
Email: lamesalamander@hotmail.com
Julia Scott
Website: thessjulia.deviantart.com
Email: gumbabar@yahoo.com
Jack Teagle
Websites: www.jackteagle.co.uk, teagle.deviantart.com
Email: jackteagle@hotmail.co.uk
Katri Kallio
Website: rokoroko.deviantart.com
Christina Siravo
Website: bluebirdie.deviantart.com
Email: csiravo@gmail.com
Ramón Sierra with Gisel Gonzalez
Websites: trendepan.blogspot.com, cocor.deviantart.com
Email: cocomingo@hotmail.com
Websites: drawgabbydraw.tumblr.com, vermelho.deviantart.com
Email: drawgabbydraw@gmail.com
Part 3 contributors:
J. Arashi Hara
Websites: saprophilous.deviantart.com
Email: saprophilous@gmail.com
Olivier Pichard
Websites: olivier2046.free.fr, olivier2046.deviantart.com
Email: o_pichard@yahoo.fr
Michael Dialynas
Website: www.woodencrown.com, madart84.deviantart.com
Email: michaeldialynas@gmail.com
Oliver Hull
Websites: www.oliverhull.com.au, hummachine.deviantart.com
Email: oliver.boat@gmail.com
Cynthia Lim
Websites: milc.deviantart.com
Email: cynthiaatje@gmail.com
David Grimshaw
Website: powflip.deviantart.com
Valerie Chua
Website: green-tea.deviantart.com
Dado de Guzman
Website: dadothegreat.deviantart.com
Email: sjcdfm@gmail.com
Vlad Gusev
Website: bigconejo.deviantart.com
Email: dametaco@gmail.com
Part 4 contributors:
Louise McLennan
Website: www.lemclennan.com
Email: louisemclennan@gmail.com
Rachel Saunders
Website: barukurii.deviantart.com
Email: rachelsaunders@hotmail.co.uk
Nick Edwards
Website: mrdynamite.deviantart.com
Email: goodbyemrchips@gmail.com
Sallamari Rantala
Website: fushii.deviantart.com
Email: sallamari.rantala@gmail.com
Kyla Vanderklugt
Website: www.kylavanderklugt.com
Email: kyla@kylavanderklugt.com
Olli Hihnala
Website: korintic.deviantart.com
Email: ohihnala@gmail.com
Anna Wieszczyk
Website: muckcracker.deviantart.com
Email: yumyum@o2.pl
Giannis Milonogiannis
Websites: www.milonogiannis.com, juntaro.deviantart.com
Email: milonogiannis@gmail.com
Eva Eskelinen
Website: nayruchan.deviantart.com
Inés Estrada
Website: www.inechi.com
Email: gatosaurio@gmail.com
Sloane Leong
Websites: war.respark.net, strayheadache.deviantart.com
Email: sloaneleong@gmail.com
Spera is the intellectual property of Josh Tierney.
All art is the property of its respective creators.